Wednesday, July 29, 2009


These are the hands of my wonderful friend Adrienne. Since I have started sewing again, she has helped me so much with all the mistakes I've made. I've led her into temptation - a new sewing machine (where is that evil grin icon?); and she has helped me work out where I'm going wrong with my patterns. So, with these hands comes a wonderful, patient sewing brain. She's holding the Ottobre tunic I've been working on for over a week, and she's scrutinising the non-sensical Ottobre instructions below it. Who knew that when you add seam allowances, you don't add them to the hem? Yep, that would be me.

Adrienne is also very understanding when despite her counsel, I still managed to sew the lady beetle skirt (see previous post) too big and have resigned it to the cupboard until Ruby is bigger next winter (it kept falling down at kinder today), and have managed to lose my way with this current Ottobre pattern.

Although our main purpose tends to be sewing, or knitting or helping others in Adrienne's case, we meander and philosophise through all manner of topics. I'm lucky to have Adrienne in my life. Thanks Adrienne it's wonderful sharing this sewing journey with you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, she was my friend first!! Bugger off. :-) We could start a friend war here, is that cyber bullying????
    You have done so well in taking up the sawing again, and bullying oops I mean incouraging me to finish my pants. I look forward to seeing Alice in the current project.
